Our experts for machine learning, AI and AI-driven business models: Rebecca C. Reisch, Managing Director of Cyber Valley, Prof. Dr. Matthias Bethge, Professor of Computational Neuroscience & Machine Learning at Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, Germany, Martin Reisinger, project lead of "F13", a govtech initative by Innolab_bw, the innovation lab of the state government of Baden-Württemberg and Markus Voß, Intelligence Architect & AI Engineer at Birds on Mars.
Nearly one in four have already used ChatGPT for professional or private purposes (23 percent; survey by Forsa for TÜV Association 2023). Join Kai Burmeister, Chairman of DGB Baden-Württemberg, and Jenö Kleemann, Partner/Member of the Executive Board at EUROCRES Consulting, for a discussion about the future of the working world.
Jakob Ilg, Innovation Manager and Linshan Feng, Research Associate at DIZ - Digital Innovation Center BW, present support services on your digital transformation journey.
In addition, Dr. Ashkan Allahgholi, Managing Director of the Hanseatic Blockchain Institute (HBI), Steffen Bärenfänger, Global Creative Lead at Mackevision, an agency for computer-generated film and VR applications, Felix Heuberger, Head of Marketing, Sales & Digital at Europa-Park & Head of Marketing at the restaurant experience Eatrenalin Rust, Prof. Dr. Gerald Huber, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Health Systems (DiHeSys) and Christian Land, Executive Board Member of PERFORMANCE ONE, talk about their digitalization success stories und strategies.
Edith Weymayr, Chairwoman of the Board of L-Bank and Guy Selbherr, Member of the Board of Bürgschaftsbank Baden-Württemberg, who will talk about the digitizationn of processes and financing models for SMEs.
Get the latest facts and figures on the state of digitization in Baden-Württemberg from Tobias Weber, who will present the new study "Monitoring Report Wirtschaft Digital"; and discuss the impact of digitization on the business world and people with Prof. Dr. Jens Nachtwei:
Learn about your roadmap to digitization with keynotes from transformation experts Kathrin Günther, André Hellmann and Falk Ebert:
Meet Weihua Wang, Dr. Alice Martin and Shéhérazade Preuß, as well as Agalya Jebens, who are revolutionizing their industries with their ideas and offering insights into their business models.
Exciting topics for everyone at the Digital Summit BW - from IT security to social innovation, disruption in SMEs, crafts and the cultural and creative industries and expertise on internationalization
You think Baden-Württemberg is only strong in the automotive industry? Far from it! The state has an excellent reputation worldwide as a high-tech, industrial and service location. But in order to secure and further expand this top position, work must continue on the future viability of the business location.
What is currently driving companies and which business models will be more important than ever in the future?
Talk to our top speakers:
How well is your company positioned in terms of IT security? And what should you do if the worst comes to the worst? Cybercrime is now an industry in its own right with a turnover of 1.5 trillion US dollars, making it a serious threat. Our four experts present support services and inform you about preventive measures to ensure that your systems remain secure:
Baden-Württemberg is the state of SMEs. As an economic engine and guarantor of employment and growth, SMEs must remain fit for the future and competitive - innovative digital solutions are a significant factor here in international competition. Our experts provide exciting insights:
The great ideas from SMEs and corporations have to get into people's heads. And every idea is only as good as you can sell it to the people. And how? With great marketing concepts, new ideas and great images. With a turnover of around 27 billion euros (2019), the cultural and creative industries in Baden-Württemberg are a real driving force (source: study commissioned by the Ministry of Economics BW). Get to know four people who are passionate about transforming the industry.
Digitization is not stopping at traditional industries: traditional craft businesses and small companies are in no way inferior to large corporations with innovative ideas and creative solutions. As early as 2020, every second craft business will be using digital technologies, and the trend is rising. Meet our speakers who are changing their industry with their business models:
Well over half of the capital goods manufactured in mechanical engineering, vehicle construction and electrical engineering are sold abroad: Mechanical engineering: 63 percent, vehicle manufacturing: 75 percent, electrical engineering: 59 percent (data source: National Accounts of the Federal States, 2022). How can Baden-Württemberg companies make themselves fit for the global market and what support can they count on? Our three experts are available to talk about internationalization:
Technology alone cannot solve all problems. This is where social innovation comes in: It pursues the goal of responding to negative consequential effects of technological change - such as automation - in such a way that social welfare is also secured in the future. Our experts believe that technological and social innovation must go hand in hand in shaping our future:
High-Tech Location BW and Success Stories from Baden-Württemberg's Economy
Companies with impressive success stories can be found all over the state Baden-Wuerttemberg. At the Digital Summit BW 2023, you can look forward to exciting insights from the software unicorn from Göppingen to the rising star from Metzingen - the visionary and pioneer in the field of cognitive robotics.
Quantum technologies - made in Germany? Yes, Baden-Württemberg is way ahead in the field of quantum computing, for example: Since 2021 the first commercially used quantum computer in all of Europe has been located in Ehningen. It is designed to perform specific computing operations at ludicrous speeds and bring enormous technological progress in certain areas. Get to know four quantum experts from science and application at the Digital Summit BW 2023:
We also address the questions: How can digital technologies make healthcare even better for many people, and how can diseases be combated more quickly and effectively? You can look forward to answers from our experts in the field of digital health.
You can also look forward to two top international speakers: we have a thought leader in Blockchain, Web3 and Metaverse from Portugal as well as a UK expert working with governments to develop, deploy and manage applications of AI that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The age of digitization is taking hold of all areas of life, including art & culture: no film production today can do without animation technology and special effects, music production has long since gone digital and real instruments have become a rarity - and who can get by these days without an annual subscription to streaming platforms (e.g. for music or series)? Our experts from the creative sector will show you which new business and application models are coming to fruition in their field:
The hospitality industry is no longer imaginable without digitization. In which areas do restaurant owners and hoteliers benefit from the use of digital solutions? How can digital solutions sustainably improve guest service? Our experts will discuss these and other exciting questions with you.
In addition, you will also gain exciting insights into the topic of Business Model Innovation at the Digital Summit BW 2023
Driving diversity in business – at the Digital Summit BW
Women in Tech
Until now, the start-up scene and the tech industry have been predominantly male domains. Something that should change as quickly as possible, also in the wake of the increasing shortage of skilled workers. Measures against the gender gap and for a more inclusive economy are needed! Get to know some of the most influential women in the tech industry and their digital business models that are driving change:
In addition to the experts on Women and Diversity in Tech, look forward to other top-class speakers from the fields of Metaverse and Web3, as well as automation and technology transfer, who will offer you inspiration for a successful digitalized future:
4 stages
There will be four stages at the Digital Summit BW, some with parallel programs. Our moderators and digital experts will guide you through the diverse program:
Speakers we have announced so far:
- Dr. Ashkan Allahgholi, Geschäftsführerdes Hanseatic Blockchain Institute (HBI)
- Jonas Andrulis, Founder and CEO at Aleph Alpha
- Dr. Patrick Bangert, Vice President of Strategic Business at Samsung SDS
- Johannes Bauernfeind: Chairman of the Board of AOK Baden-Württemberg
- Dr. Johannes van der Beek, Group Director R&D / Design & Engineering at Mosca
- Sheila Beladinejad: CEO of O Canada Tech & President Women in AI & Robotic
- Carl Bergengruen, CEO of MFG – Media and Film Society Baden-Württemberg
- Nikola Berger, Founder and CEO of exrex Headhunting 5.0
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Bethge, Professor für Computational Neuroscience & Machine Learning an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
- Dr. Victoria Blessing, Project Manager at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
- Dr. Martha Boeckenfeld, TOP 100 Woman of the Future and Metaverse & Web3 expert
- Prof. Dr. Kai Bongs, Director of the Institute of Quantum Technologies (DLR Ulm)
- Prof. Dr. Vanessa Borkmann, Deputy Head of Business Field Urban Systems Engineering and Innovation Systems at Fraunhofer IAO
- Thomas Bornheim, CEO 42 Heilbronn
- Kai Burmeister, Vorsitzender des DGB Baden-Württemberg
- Steffen Bärenfänger, Global Creative Lead von Mackevision
- Anthony Day, Thought Leader Blockchain, Web3 & Metaverse
- Sebastian Demuth, Innovation Manager at SWR X Lab & Host ofthe Podcast “Spätzle Valley”
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Detscher, Head of Studies MBA Digital Marketing & Sales and Executive Director at the Digital Business Institute & School
- Daniel Dippold, Founder & Investor, i.a. EWOR and NEWNOW Group
- Dorothy Di Stefano, Thought Leader Immersive Art and Curator#
- DUNDU – Gigant des Lichts, mit Fabian Seewald
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Endreß, Music Business Degree Program Director at Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
- Benjamin Erhart, General Partner at UVC Partners
- Linshan Feng, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin beim DIZ - Digitales Innovationszentrum BW
- Richard Foster Fletcher, Founder & Executive Chair of MKAI - Morality and Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence
- Dr. Michael Förtsch , Founder & CEO at Q.ANT
- Eva-Valérie Gfrerer, Founder & CEO of Morphais VC
- Mona Ghazi, Co-Founder and CEO at Optimo
- Tanja Goldstein, Founder of Heaven’s Kitchen
- Oliver Gürtler, Senior Director Small, Medium & Corporate & Member of the Board Microsoft Germany
- Raphaël Haupt, Co-Founder and CEO at Toucan Protocol
- Patrick Heimburger, Co-Founder & Managing Director at fruitcore robotics
- Prof. Volker Helzle, Head of R&D, Senior Lecturer TD at the Animation Institute of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
- Dr. Christian Herzog, CEO of Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i)
- Johanna Hettinger, Managing Director NEWNOW Group
- Felix Heuberger, Head of Marketing, Sales & Digital des Europa-Park & Head of Marketing bei der Restaurant Experience Eatrenalin (Rust)
- Dr. Julia Hoxha, Co-Founder & CEO at Zana Technologies
- Prof. Dr. Gerald Huber, Co-Gründer & CEO von Digital Health Systems (DiHeSys
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle, Institutsleiterin des IAT der Universität Stuttgart und des Fraunhofer IAO
- Jakob Ilg, Innovationsmanager bei CyberForum
- Anders Jensen, RPA-Teacher & YouTuber and founder of andersjensenorg
- Danilo Jovivic-Albrecht, Founder & Managing Director of vialytics
- Sandra Jörg, IT Woman of the Year 2021, Founder & CEO at BLACKPIN
- Naghmeh Khosrowabadi, PhD candidate at Kühne Logistics University Hamburg
- Jenö Kleemann, Partner und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei EUROCRES Consulting
- Dr. Katharina von Knop, Founder & CEO atDigital Trust Analytics GmbH
- Sabrina Kraft, Founder and Growth specialist for ecommerce
- Carsten Kraus, Founder & CEO, inter alia CK Holding and Casablanca.AI
- Dr. Wilfried Kugler, Vice President Automation & Software at Gebhardt Intralogistics
- Christian Land, Executive Board Member von PERFORMANCE ONE
- Dr. Tobias Lindig, Managing Director at AIRAmed
- Dr. Jonathan Loeffler, Executive Manager of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
- Yannick Maier, Head of International Office at Gebhardt Intralogistics
- Daniel Maslewski, Expert of data privacy protection of State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (LfDI) Baden-Württemberg
- Dr. Thomas Märtz, Chairman of the toy association Vedes AG
- Davide Mercatali, Founder and CEO at ConvinZe & 4133 Marketing
- Benjamin Miesner, Co-Frounder of SwarmHotels
- Dr. Georg Mildenberger, Acting Executive Director & Head of Research of CSI – Centre for Social Investment Heidelberg
- Jeroen van der Most, Artist driven by AI
- Vada Müller, Founder, Content Creator and Social Media Expert
- Olga Mordvinova, Founder & CEO of incontext.technology
- Lara Obst, Co–Founder and CEO at The Climate Choice
- Patrick Olma, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Olmatic GmbH
- Salome Preiswerk, Founder and CEO at the fintech Whitebox
- Dr. Petra Püchner, Executive Manager of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum & Commissioner for Europe to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Labor and Toruism Baden-Württemberg
- Christian Rahn, Strategic Marketing Consultant, author & Podcaster at CMO2go
- Stine Høiberg Rasmussen: RPA-Teacher & external lecturer | IT University of Copenhagen
- David Reger, Founder & CEO of NEURA Robotics
- Rebecca C. Reisch, Managing Director des Cyber Valley
- Martin Reisinger, Projektleiter "F13", Innolab_bw
- Christina Richter, Founder Personal Branding Institut and LinkedIn-Expert
- Sophia Rödiger, Founder & CEO | bloXmove
- Roland Rüdinger, CEO at Rüdinger Logistic
- Mina Saidze, Founder of Inclusive Techs
- Horst Samsel, Head of Division BL “Advice for federal, state and local authorities” at Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
- Dr. Björn Sautter, Senior Expert Industry 4.0 at Festo
- Richard Schäli, Founder and Head of Research at Secanta Capital
- Florian Scherl, Founder and CEO at FAST AI MOVIES
- Sabine Scheunert, Vice President Digital & IT Sales/ Marketing at Mercedes-Benz Cars
- Sarah Schlagenhauf, Founder & CEO of ArtDeal
- Maša Schmidt, Head of Marketing and Member of the Board at SAP Germany, Chairwoman of the Wertekommission
- Birgit Schwarz, Quantum Program Director German Speaking Countries at IBM
- David Schweizer, Head of Departement "Data protection in the private sector" at the office of the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (LfDI) Baden-Württemberg
- Dr. Iris Schwenk, Co-Founder & COO at HQS Quantum Simulations
- Prof. Dr. Reinhold von Schwerin, Chairman of the Transfer Centre for Digitization, Analytics & Data Science Ulm (DASU) & Prodekan at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Ulm
- Franz Seubert, Co-Founder and CEO at PlanerAI & BäckerAI
- David Stammer, Project Manager Digital Innovation at Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
- Oliver Steil, CEO at Team-Viewer
- Dr. Manuel Stein, Co-Founder & CEO of Subsequent GmbH
- Anna-Maria Stefan, Marketing Manager at shoedoc
- Daniel Stolz, Senior Innovation Manager beim SWR X Lab
- Freddy Strauß, TikTok Creator bei frechundfruchtig
- das Stuttgarter Kammerorchester (SKO)
- Andreas G. Stütz & Melanie Stütz, Co-CEOs at IDEASCANNER
- Benjamin Talin, Founder and CEO of MoreThanDigital.info and expert for digital transformation
- Holger Volland, Journalist, Author & CEO at brand eins magazine
- Dr. Sönke Voss, Chief Executive of IHK Bodensee-Oberschwaben
- Markus Voß, Intelligence Architect & AI Engineer bei Birds on Mars
- Eberhard Wahl, CEO of TRUMPF Tracking Technologies
- Dr. Claudia Warken, Vice President of the Cyber Security Agency Baden-Württemberg (CSBW)
- Dirk Werner, Head of Vocational Education and Training Research Unit at the Institute for Economic Research Cologne
- Céline Flores Willers, Germany‘s „Miss LinkedIn“ with approximately 150.000 followers and Founder & CEO at The People Branding Company
Our Presenters are delighted to host our exciting speakers on stage:
- Ilka Groenewold, Moderator, Journalist & Athlete
- Carmen Hentschel, Moderator, Speaker & Facilitator
- Christiane Stein, Moderator & Metaverse and Web3 Expert
More information can be found under: https://digitalgipfelbw-2023.de/en/
More than ever, Digitization is a task for small and large companies as well as research and regulatory institutions - after all, it is the driver of competition and innovation. It is also a decisive factor in securing the state's leading position as a thriving business ecosystem.
Therefore, the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Wuerttemberg is hosting the Digital Summit 2023 - Economy 4.0 BW on June 22, 2023 at the Porsche Arena Stuttgart.
At the Digital Summit 2023you can expect a program that is as diversified as it is forward-looking, linking medium-sized companies, digital start-ups, investors, and experts - in keeping with this year's motto: NEW PATTERNS TO GO DIGITAL.
You can expect:
- the most promising digital technologies of the future and digital business models
- practical applications and the exchange of experience between digitalization newcomers and pioneers
- the influence of digitization on climate protection and sustainability goals
- exciting presentations by top-class speakers on four stages
- topic-specific workshop sessions that will move you in the long term.
Be there, be inspired by the practical success stories and experiences of our speakers and expand your knowledge and your network!