Digital hubs

Regional digitalisation centres in Baden-Württemberg

The regional digitalisation centres will create regional ‘crystallisation nuclei’ in Baden-Württemberg for digital innovation and regional support hubs for the digitalisation of the economy, also taking regional innovation strategies into consideration. This will create industry-independent structures in the federal state that will boost the digitalisation of the economy throughout the state’s territory.

Who is to be supported?

The digitalisation centres are designed as places of co-operation between established – especially medium-sized – companies from all sectors of industry, start-ups and other stakeholders, such as research and transfer organisations, universities, representatives from the creative sectors, associations, chambers, business angels and venture capitalists, intermediaries in innovation as well as business support and promotion bodies.

What is to be supported?

Regional digital hubs are places where different digitalisation stakeholders can meet in person in order to exchange experience, transfer knowledge and strengthen collaboration and to build customer and co-operation relations. This will create regional ‘ecosystems’ for digital innovation that will support the joint development of new business models, platform-based offerings and other digital projects. Maker and coworking spaces can be created in order to enable a hands-on experience of digital technologies and to develop new business models and joint digital projects. Furthermore, the hubs, as first points of contact, will help SMEs from different regions to enter the field of digitalisation.

What forms of support are available?

Support of up to 1 million euro per hub can be applied for. The hubs to be supported are selected in a state-wide competition process. A jury examines and assesses the project ideas submitted against criteria of subsidy law, economic aspects and contents.

In the first phase of the selection process, a project outline must be submitted by 10 November 2017, 12 noon, using the appropriate submission form.

The complete invitation to take part in the support process, including detailed information regarding preconditions, legal basis, the selection process and the submission of documents, can be downloaded as a PDF document from the side of this page.