Digital Hub Südbaden

The DIGIHUB Südbaden is a product of regional cooperation based on the RegioWIN network. The consortium behind the project consists of 20 organisations and unites the different market participants, projects and initiatives of the subregions Southern Upper Rhine and High Rhine in the field of Digitalisation.

Focal points of the HUB strategy are the bundling of competences, network activities and collaboration at a central node (HUB) and at the same time the enabling of companies in the area. The catchment area of the HUB covers the districts of Ortenau, Emmendingen, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Lörrach, Waldshut and the city of Freiburg.

Contact person

Dr. Julia Mohrbacher

Projektpartner Oberrhein – Gesellschaft für Projektentwicklung GmbH
Hanferstraße 6
79108 Freiburg (0)170 7996068 Website