  • Life-long learning

    Digitalisation and professional development

    It goes without saying that digitalisation brings with it both opportunities and challenges, for instance, the qualifications required from employees will change. Future-enabled professional knowledge and skills are vital not just for the individual's ability to find employment but also for the competitiveness of the company as a whole.

    Invitation to take part in the support process for ‘Digitalisation and professional development’

    The changed qualification requirements for employees must be identified and suitable professional development schemes must be developed and implemented on this basis. In order to generate momentum for further professional qualification measures in the federal state, the Ministry of Economic Affairs published an invitation to take part in the support process for ‘Digitalisation and professional development’ in September 2016. As part of this invitation, innovative projects for professional qualification measures in the ‘digitalisation’ field are supported.

    Project: ‘Fit for the digitalised working world’

    The core of the project is the development and testing of professional development contents and forms to qualify skilled personnel and project managers at SMEs who will perform multiplier and moderator functions for change processes as part of digitalisation.

    The special quality of the project is the fact that it is not limited to developing and testing new qualification contents and forms, but that small and medium-sized enterprises are additionally involved with concrete implementation projects. The project aims to qualify employees of the participating companies and to support them in the implementation of digitalisation projects at the companies. On completion of the project, the project experience will form the basis for a guidance document with examples of best practices that will be made available to other companies, education institutions and all interested parties.

    Participating employees from the companies will receive a certificate as a ‘4.0 Multiplier’ from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. It is planned that at least twelve SMEs will take part.

    Several project partners are involved in the project managed by the ‘GARP Bildungszentrum für die IHK Region Stuttgart e. V.’. These include:

    • Trumpf GmbH & Co. KG,
    • Akademie für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg e. V.,
    • Verein zur Förderung der Berufsbildung e. V.,
    • Staatsgalerie Stuttgart as a project partner and member of the working group on ‘Art and Culture as an Instrument of Personnel Development’.